
From the House of Edward

One of the most charming blogs I've ever come across is hands down From the House of Edward  by Pamela Terry.
If you are not yet familiar with Pamela and Edward stop everything now and check out this beautifully enchanting blog; you will definitely wish  to join the throngs of people who follow this gifted writer.  Pamela is one of those rare individuals who received an extra dose of grace and talent when she came into this world, and we are so thankful she shares her gifts with us.  Art abounds on this blog, and so does Edward.  Edward?  Edward, too, is heaven sent.


Terrance said...

My sister and her reading group would like that site. You are right about the writing.

Karena said...


She is a dream, a gift, a treasure, Pamela & Edward always delight and inspire me.

Art by Karena

Do come and enter my new Giveaway, a very special painting!

Unknown said...

Thank you for this referal...you are right!! (I never doubted)..It is a very special blog...

TSL said...

One could spend hours ~ like a sleepy dream!

The Shade Shop, Inc. said...

Reading her is an absolute treasure! And it has led me here to peruse your sketchbook which is captivating!!!

TSL said...

Thank you, The Shade Shop, for taking time to view and to comment, I appreciate that you did! Yes, love love love her site!!! What a gifted writer!

vicki archer said...

I am such a fan and love reading Pamela's sensitive and thought provoking words....Her posts are a treat, truly original and a gift for all of us in the blogging world....xv

TSL said...

Vicki, loved your beautiful blog! Yes, yes, ditto on your words about Pamela's blog!

Karla G said...

I love the artistic touch that Pamela Terry brings to From The House of Edward.