
Exqueeze my tardiness!

Tina Steele Lindsey

I cannot believe it has been so long since my last post! Christmas has come and gone, we are nearing the end of the first month of the new year, and I am finding that running a small studio and gallery takes an incredible amount of time in greeting visitors, installing work, answering calls and emails and posting on social media - all part of my day.  It has been a great learning experience being on the flip side of the coin.  My new discovery, old for a lot of you, is Instagram and I am finding it a wonderful place to post our gallery artist's work. You can find me under my full name, Tina Steele Lindsey, on Instagram.  If you wish to learn more about the gallery I am including the gallery link, HERE,  I will continue to use this blog to post my own paintings and drawings as I have always done.
As far as my own creative juices I have managed to begin a couple paintings as I have a little studio section off the rear of the gallery building in which to work.  At the top of the post is a recent drawing, thank you for taking time to visit my blog.