I don't know about you, but I don't want a thin life. This painting is a little less abstract than Sonnet, but has the same feel when viewed in person. Your thoughts on a title?
Gnossienne No. 4 by Bojan Gorisek was the music playing during this one. Acrylic on canvas - 30X40
Addendum 9:20PM
This title now Awakening in Blue - thanks to Helen Young of Whitehaven and Becky at Abbey Style
This title now Awakening in Blue - thanks to Helen Young of Whitehaven and Becky at Abbey Style
Is it raining or snowing? It looks like it is. Perhaps you could title it regarding that.
something about blues...? something subtle, dreamy?
I would call it: Awakening
I don't know what to name the piece, but I do know that I love the piece!
Thank you for stopping in to comment. Yes, I can see how it does look snowy or rainy.
Becky and Helen -
Thanks - I combined both your suggestions and named it! You guys are great.
Thank you for coming on board and for your appreciation of the piece. I've had several emails asking if I had other pieces like the Sonnet, and I am creating a few. I love the soft colors, its been fun. Best wishes to you.
Love the atmospheric and ethereal feel!
Art by Karena
Francine, thank you so much for taking time out of your schedule after the storm and with your move to comment on my blog. Ever so much goodness your way.
Karena, thank you very much, you do so good to visit so many blogs, and thanks for visiting mine and commenting!
That's so cool that you liked my name for the piece!
Helen, of course I did, it was perfect. :-) Thank you.
I only want a thin life where I sit.
Otherwise, I like it full, robust, and tipping the scales.
Just like the rich variety of expression you showcase on your blog.
I also like the tie- ins to musical muses.
And your quotes.
Very creative blog/spirit.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, Tina. I love your work! Really great stuff. Great variation of medium and content. Refreshing.
I'll be coming back. :)
I did so little to help you name your painting...Helen is the one! But thanks for including me and making mention of my blog. Since then, I've visited Helen and like what I see. Atlanta is a hotbed for design!!! When I go out to style kitchens for magazine stories in the south, the company always sends photographers from Atlanta.
This would match my room! The colors would go beautifully. But being in some kids room would do it justice. I love your work. :)
Bonnieluria -
Thank you so much for your thoughts about my blog in general, I appreciate knowing you feel that way. I often feel I rush through a post leaving much to be desired, so thank you for relieving my mind a bit on that.
You are very welcome, and I appreciate you taking time to visit my blog and post a comment!
Good grief, you aren't kidding. Atlanta has it going on, I have to admit. I hope you enjoy the photographers from here, I hope they suit you well!
I appreciate that you think so. I look forward to learning more about you.
Stunning works! You have a new fan and follower. Happy weekend! xo Erica
Erica - thank you! xo back at you!
Hey Tina, Love this and love the title you chose. I thought of Spring and the flowers we see coming up this time of year - I think that ia an 'Awakening'.
Helen, I just saw this comment, so wonderful to hear from you!
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