
A Move

 Monday morning I was headed to sign a lease a historical store to use as an open studio when I suddenly changed my mind and leased a warehouse space instead.  I adore the store space, more than you know, and had great ideas for it, but at the last minute I opted to sign on the warehouse space which would offer use for both myself and my husband in lieu of just me.  I still may want to lease something down the road, but for now I will concentrate on getting some work up and see what spring may hold.

The image at the left comes from one morning while painting; light came through the window and hit my brush ferrule and produced this wonderful effect which was a really nice moment!  I grabbed my cell phone and took this pic, and hope you've had a nice moment this week as well with more light in your life. 
Art quote:  “During that period of my studies — around 1846 — when progress was slow or almost nil, and when no one was willing to provide the explanations my soul craved for, I experienced (it was just after my arrival in Paris) many discouraging weeks. I was in this state of mind one day when, strolling through the Louvre, I saw the casts of the Parthenon pediment. How can I describe the emotion I felt? A veil fell from my eyes. Never had I experienced such a deep and intense joy. What was it I saw in those wonderful plasters? I understood that the subtlety of accents, in contrast with large planes, is what makes a drawing great. This truth, which I have yearned all my life to express and which still drives me on, is the secret of art. It applies to composition as well as to drawing proper. It is the principle that must guide both the young beginner and the fully developed artist.” - William Bouguerau